German Bionic's new exoskeleton supports 80-pound lifts | TechCrunch

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A CES 2025German bionic has announced the Apogee Ultra, a new robotic exoskeleton it claims is “the strongest in the world.” What did the system do to earn such a high title? It provides dynamic lift assistance up to 80 lbs. That means a payload of 70 pounds feels like 9 to 11 pounds on the lifter's lower back.

In addition to lifting assistance, the Apogee Ultra helps with walking, making a 10-mile hike feel like eight. The company is targeting industries like baggage handling and construction, as well as those requiring workers to be on their feet and walk long distances, such as nursing.

Broadly speaking, robotic exoskeletons aim to augment human labor, rather than automate it out of existence. Effectively, employers can do more with fewer employees while performing labor-intensive tasks.

They also have the potential to reduce injury rates. German Bionic claims, for example, that its exoskeleton has reduced workplace sick leave by 31%.

The company says the systems have been refined, “collecting large amounts of high-quality, relevant data from thousands of users over countless hours of real-world applications.”

The exoskeleton uses AI to better adapt to a wearer's specific needs. The company promises to support the system with over-the-air updates going forward.

The system is now available through German Bionic's site. Exact pricing has not been disclosed at the time of publication.

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