Tech companies love rolling a robot on stage. These systems serve as shorthand for consumer electronics brands that branch out into more bleeding-edge categories. Occasionally we get an Amazon Astro or Sony Aibo that actually hits the market in some form or another. More often than not, however, robots only exist in press conference land.
Samsung's Bally Kicking around the CES circuit for half a decade now. The house robot got something Upgrade to CES 2024including a project. In the end, however, it didn't seem to roll any closer to the market.
move forward quickly CES 2025And we now have a very rough timeline for the launch. Samsung confirmed this week that the robot is due to hit the market sometime in the next 12 months. It still has a rough road ahead though. According to Samsung, “Bally acts as a personal home assistant, autonomously driving around the home to complete various tasks.”
Beyond the vacuum, home robots have struggled to make any headway. Big companies have abandoned projects and smaller startups have shut down. There aren't enough features to justify such a high price tag.
Will the sand be different? probably not Although I wouldn't be surprised if the anthropomorphic ball gets at least a little traction in Samsung's native South Korea. The US and the rest of the world is another question entirely. Samsung may release more information on pricing and availability At its press conference Monday at 2pm PT.